High School & College FAQs

How can I prepare my child for college? Which classes should they take at Correia and PLHS?
We receive questions from the families of 6th grade students regarding course placement in 7th through 12th grade. Many of the questions are related to preparing their student for admission to a college or university. Information is available on the following topics:

  •  The importance of "A Through G Requirements" when applying for college
  •  Calculating a UC GPA (what is an AP course and how does this impact GPA calculation?)
  •  College admission factors
  • How to be a strong candidate for universities (what do universities look for in a student beyond gpa?)
  •  Making educated decisions regarding elective choices for 7th and 8th grade (only foreign language electives earn credit towards graduation)

A copy of a PowerPoint presentation with the information above is available for download.

 We recommend parents visit the following websites:

What are "A through G requirements"?
To be considered for admission to a University of California campus, such as UC San Diego, students must complete 15 yearlong high school courses with a grade of C or better — at least 11 of them prior to their senior year. Please follow this link to learn more.

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