What are the eligibility requirements for various activities on campus?
Criterion for attending a reward assembly, event, or activity (does not include monthly grade level assemblies). This information was taken from the school planner. Students must not have:
- “Unsatisfactory” citizenship grades from more than one teacher.
- 3 detentions and/or Friday Schools in a semester
Students who do not meet the citizenship requirements will be ineligible for the reward activity occurring immediately after the current grading period and will be referred for intervention support. Student progress will be monitored on a regular basis. Students will regain reward activity eligibility when they raise their grades to meet the requirements described above.
- Suspensions - Students who are suspended are ineligible for the next reward activity. Students will become ineligible for all future reward activities during the same semester if they are suspended again during the same semester. Students suspended during the last 30 days of school are not eligible for any end-of-the-year activities.
Criterion for performers in Instrumental Music and the Variety Show
Students performing (both on and off campus) in Instrumental Music related activities or the Variety Show must meet the same criteria described above.