How To Interpret Academic Grades

How To Interpret Academic Grades On A Progress Report
Posted on 10/15/2022

SDUSD is in the process of converting secondary schools to a standard-based grading model. The traditional A/B/C/D/F grading system you experienced as a child no longer applies. 


Keep the following in mind when viewing your student’s progress report:


  •  2022/23 is a transition year. Teachers are using standards-based grading strategies BUT traditional A/B/C/D/F grades will continue to appear on the progress report.
  • Traditional percentage intervals (i.e. 90-100% = A) have been replaced with new intervals that are more mathematically accurate. Click to view intervals. Click to learn why they are more mathematically accurate.
  • The meaning of letter grades has changed.
    • A “C” grade was considered passing in the traditional model. This has been replaced with a “B” grade in the standards-based model.
    • An “A” grade no longer communicates exceptional performance at grade level. An “A” is now reserved for students who demonstrate mastery ABOVE grade level.
    • A “D” grade communicates the student is performing far below grade level standards.
    • A “F” grade is used to communicate that we cannot determine a student’s ability because we lack sufficient evidence.

We developed a conversion chart to assist parents with interpreting their students' academic grades:

  •  A/4 = Exceeds Standards
  • B/3 = Meets Standards
  • C/2 = Approaching Standards
  • D/1 = Below Standards
  • F/0 = Not Enough Evidence

SDUSD will fully adopt the standards-based report card during the 2023-24 school year. Letter grades on progress reports and report cards will be replaced by numbers during the 2023-23 school year.


View our Citizenship Expectations Overview and Rubric to learn how to interpret a citizenship grade.

Please visit the Standards Based Learning section of our website for more information.

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